Interview with Amber Spirit Mamma on I Am Alice Podcast

Amber Spirit Mamma is a Channel, a Psychic and Crystal Healer.



In the podcast, we discuss the connection between mental health and spiritual awakening, and how we can help others going through these changes in their lives.


About Amber Spirit Mamma 

At the age of 3 Amber's Mum realised she had psychic abilities. She would often answer questions her Mum was thinking or announced phone calls and people visiting before they arrived. She also saw many spirits she would tell her Mum about them. Her Mum used to play games with her testing out her abilities like “what is a family member thinking of now? “what card am I holding up”, her friends would come over for secret readings, it was the seventies. Amber would be placed on the kitchen table and she would tell them messages from their loved ones in spirit. Growing up she realised these abilities made her weird and it was scary to many people so she learnt to hide her gift.

Amber is a mum of five and In her 30s she became a single mum in a country town with not many work opportunities. She came across an ad for a phone psychic position to work from home.  She thought she could do that hiding away in her room and do what comes naturally to her; so her journey as a professional reader began.

After a few years on the phone she started doing readings in spiritual shops and then got her own radio show. She started her own business doing personal readings, since then she’s done thousands of readings. She would read at spiritual fares many psychic parties and she recently began to teach a psychic development class.

Many years of working in crystal stores depended her knowledge and communication with crystals. She spent years of doing her daily chakra meditations, it made her realise she could see and read information and
blockages for her clients. 


The crystals wanted to work with me to heal the chakras 

Amber offers crystal chakra readings and healings and crystal prescriptions. She has been reading  professionally for over 20 years and her gifts have grown and expanded and she’s excited to offer a lot of different services see below how clients are surprised and happy about all the confirmations and clarity she can give during a session.

Why she goes by the name of Spirit Mumma? 

Amber has lived in many conscious communities and the younger members gave her the name and it seems to have followed her around so now she goes by the name Amber Spirit Mamma

She is currently living in beautiful Ubud, in Bali, working on her own healing journey and expanding her business.

She finds Bali a great place to deepen her connection with spirit and she loves doing session on my verandah surrounded by my beautiful peaceful garden and nature. 

Her clients who visit her here can expect to be offered Spirit Muma Chai that she makes and sells.  

For all her services and offerings you can visit her instagram account @amber_spiritmamma

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