Meet Rouzbeh on I AM Alice Podcast we talk about the power of the authentic voice

We spoke about the Power of the Voice and how to express our Authentic Self in Episode #11 of I Am Alice Podcast 

Rouzbeh Tavakkoli is a devotional musician, vocal empowerment coach and mentor for creative and purposeful living.


With his diverse background and training in psychology, leadership coaching, Yoga and various music-related modalities such as Kirtan, Sound Healing as well as Qawwali and Sufi music, his mission is to helping other people to find the courage and strength to become the person they are meant and deserve to be, and to share their unique creative gifts and soul’s mission with the world.

He offers empowering coaching programs, chanting circles and music ceremonies, and transformative retreats with a focus on healing our relationship with fears and blockages, and wholeheartedly stepping into the full power and joy of your voice, creativity and purpose-driven expression.

You can watch the podcast here:

 To follow Rouzbeh or contact Rouzbeh see his details below:

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