Mantra & Meditation

Mantra & Meditation 

Mala Mantra Maker - Creative Me Mala

What is it? Why is it so powerful?

A mantra can be in your own language or you can use a Vedic Mantra, these are in Sanskrit and you can find one to meet any purpose. For example, to create more abundance in your life,  overcoming obstacles, freedom, there are many to choose from.

The book Healing Mantras by Thomas Ashley-Farrand is one of my mantra books,  but there are many other books on Mantra.

You repeat the mantra 108 times, that’s where using so you can keep count and also it’s a reminder to use your mantra. Often our mind is full of ideas or repetitive thought and by using a mantra you can erase that Monkey Mind.

Recently I met a travelling Indian Swami and he said whenever you have thoughts that aren’t good - use a mantra - it will change the pattern of your thoughts. I can confirm it works!  I always knew the power of mantra, but this a little reminder just to have one handy and use it whilst walking down the street and when your mind starts to wander into - replace it with your mantra.

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om

A Meditation Practice 

  • Having a daily meditation practice, doing so has helped calm my busy mind and allowed me to get some good consistent breathing in. We often forget the power of the breath, even though it’s the cornerstone life, we manage take it for granted unless there is an issue. There are various meditations you can do and there are lots of really good apps around you can get on your phone. I use a selection:
  • A guided meditation. This is great for getting to sleep - which can be a major issue and cause fatigue if we don’t get enough sleep.
  • I use the Sadhguru app - a simple mantra in English and I have been doing this for over a year and it just works for me.  Sometimes you need to swap and change to find the right one for you.
  • I also use a Vedic Mantra - these are Sanskrit phases you repeat 108 times, using a They focus you and erase the monkey mind. Recently I met a travelling Indian swami and he said whenever you have thoughts that aren’t good - use a mantra - it will change the pattern of your thoughts - can confirm it works!  I always knew the power of mantra and there is a mantra for everything, here are a go ahead and discover your own it's much more fun:
  • Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om -  Peace the mind, body and spirit
  • Om Namah Shivaya  - On salutations to the auspicious one, Shiva
  • OM (pronounced AUM)


Finding the right Mantra for you

If you don’t feel like saying a mantra, to begin with, find one - and listen to them. You will soon pick one up that works for you.

Popular mantra singers are:

Deva Premal

Maya Fiennes


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