Welcome to 2024...

Wow, 2023 went so fast and here we are already in mid-January 2024.


I Am Alice Podcast, Connection, Creativity and Clarity

I am excited to share more I AM Alice Podcasts this year; Where I get to chat to the wonderful, inspiring souls who share their personal stories about creativity and connection. From frequency therapy, to writing songs, to Sacred death and Light Language Art, we never know where life will take us. You can also watch them on YouTube

Last year, I did about 10 podcast interviews and 2 came out last year and the rest in 2024. 2023 was the year I started to speak up and be seen as I published my book I Am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough.  My personal story of transformation, sharing 

Here are 2 I can share: Firstly, with Andrew Jobling on the Wellness Podcast and the second with Curtis Jackson on DJ Curveball Podcast living the dream.

I launched a range of silver bracelets this year under I AM Alice Jewels, being creative has become really important and I wanted to inpsire others, with what I have learnt from putting out my Memoir in 2023. It was a scary time, but I did it and really many things. When we judge others? We are really just judging ourselves. I am truly grateful for the wonderful kind words you have sent to me and encouragment it means so much to me.

What's New in My Life?

I am stepping up this year, and I will be supporting others going through change, so if you would ike to have a chat about coaching, whether you wish to be supported or if you have a proejct you want to get off the ground, please feel free to get in touch for an introductory chat.

You can book a chat here.


Inspiration is everywhere! 


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