What I am learning about Grief?


An Hour is a Sea

Between a few, and me

With them would Harbour be.

   Emily Dickinson


Accepting my feelings come in waves and taking the time to express how I feel, firstly to myself and maybe to another. If you feel you can’t talk to someone you can journal your feelings. I found this a powerful tool to express how I felt back in 2014 when I had a sudden loss. No one actually died then, but it was a huge death in my life I was about to adopt two young children and my husband changed his mind last minute. We had been through a two year process of adoption. By journaling you can openly and honestly express your emotions without judgment. Allowing yourself  the time to be alone and feel the feelings that come up.

Honouring my process and the people I love by being creative. Dedicating my creative process to them makes it all more significant and I can pour my heart felt feeling into my projects

For me right now that’s creating a song and learning to play guitar, so I can eventually record it. And share it with others in honour of them and my love.

Being in touch with my feelings is giving me the courage to accept there are endings and new beginnings. Life is a cycle of twists and turns.

Remembering the good times we had and having gratitude for them being a big part of my life!

Believing there is always hope and as I experience this, I can share and support others going through difficult times too. That’s why I published my book I Am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough last year. 

Living in the moment more. There will always be change and living with the unknown time when it comes to be their final moment. Sending them love daily through small rituals like lighting candles and energetically sending them love; knowing we are always connected in spirit and through our souls.

We are never really alone, although we often feel this way. It's about finding our deeper connections with like minded peolple. Please do not suffer alone. Reach out to someone and chances are they are in a similar position, just by having a chat about something and connecting is key.  Grief is a human experience! The pain is the celebration of our love for them.

Grief is a human experience! The pain is the celebration of our love for them.

If you live alone think about having a cat. (Or offer to cat or dog sit)  Caring and playing with an animal gives us some unconditional  love. The frequency of a cat purring can help calm our nervous system. Also you receive the love hormone oxytocin. They can bring us so much joy and a reason to be a caring human. 

Echo my Balinese Cat

Nature is so powerful to restore balance and harmony in our life. It’s a natural anti- depressant. So if you can walk in nature daily. If you can’t have the colour green around you, wear it, have an image of greenery or put some beautiful plants in your house. 

Connection and Creativity is my key to processing my grief, These are two on my doorways in my 5 Doorways to Personal transformation.  

On my I Am Alice Podcast I recently spoke to Catherine Shovlin, author of Sacred Death and a Shaman/ Death Doula. You can listen to it here: 


or you can listen to the podcast on Podbean





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