Love Me Mala

Love Me Mala @malamantramaker

Love Me Mala

I love this pink pashmina, it has travelled with me across Nepal, India, Australia and now whilst living in Bali. They are so handy for travelling generally especially when you are on planes, and you feel a little chill coming on; I guess you could call it a comfort blanket.  It’s one thing worth travelling with as it can be used in a variety of ways, a pillow, a blanket, a make do coat or jumper, a bed cover, a towel or a sarong. It's guaranteed that you won’t get cold with one of these and when you are unwell you can snuggle beneath it and wrap yourself up and in my case into a pink bubble of love.

Colour is really important to me. I go through phases of liking different colours, at the moment it’s orange, but it used to be pink, purple and yellow. Different colours produce different kinds of feelings. It’s good for me to have a variety of colours, so when the mood takes you, you can connect with the energy of a particular colour. Colours are connected to the 7 chakras centred in the body and have powerful healing qualities. 

Love Me Mala 

A Reminder " You are Love"

It’s so important to have some favourite familiar belongings you love when living out of a suitcase. A warm blanket to wrap yourself in when feeling unwell makes you feel at home. Or something special that makes you feel happy. 

One ingredient for a happy life as we all know is love.  Love is not about who loves you,  but love is a feeling you spread around to all the people who pop up in your world.  Love is about giving, love is kindness, love is being at peace with yourself and love starts with loving yourself. It’s not a boyfriend,  a husband, it’s you. You are love and love is you, starting from within and radiating outwards to the world you live in.

So I send you much love to all of you who manage to read this blog, today or anytime in the future. May you be surrounded by a pink bubble of love. Love and Peace to you, may all your days be filled with unconditional love for yourself.

I have a made a Love Me Mala to remind us to love ourselves, not in a narcissistic way but in a kind, it's okay, gentle, caring kind of way.  The Love Me Mala is made from the beautiful soft pink rose quartz and this one has light grey thread knotted with lava stones and a Buddha.

Connect with your own love. 

Connection, compassion and conversation - be kind to yourself.

Join me FREE Mala giveaway every month @MalaMantraMaker join here

You can buy this magical Mala at and it’s FREE postage right now!  Remind yourself how much you are worth loving and maybe appreciate someone else too!💕

Feel the magical energy of Bali with beautiful Mala necklaces


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