I AM Journal

I AM Journal, Finding the Joy Within - Connection, Creativity & Clarity 

I am excited to announce my latest project the I AM Journal.   

Journaling was one of the most powerful tools I had to work with during my spiritual awakening and acute stress reaction back in 2014, and I haven't stopped writing a journal since.

The power of writing from the heart and personal expression is so key to me. My journals have become my loyal friend a place where I can be me, and I can  express myself freely. I write about my hopes and dreams, the difficult times & I channel what comes through. 

In the I AM Journal I will share my personal story of how I used journalling to support myself in times of deep transformation and what I learnt worked for me. I hope it will inspire you to put pen to paper and express yourself and free your inner spirit of creativity and love for yourself, your life. You have permission to be you, the Imperfectly Perfect you. I hope you can liberate yourself and enjoy the process of being present and taking time for yourself.

In November 2024 I am running a 6 week course with the publication of my  I AM Journal. 

If you are interested in finding out more please get in touch.