Why do we write our own true stories ?

I Am Alice Podcast, Alice Readman talks about her book I Am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough, A True Life Adventure Story


This week I answer a Q&A about my book I Am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough. 

You can listen to the first chapter of the book read by Alice for FREE here:

I answer questions from readers about my book in this week's I AM Alice Podcast

When we go through monumental change we can often be moved to share it. Why? Firstly, Because we know it will help others. We feel compelled to share our wisdom and experience so others can benefit from out truth. We found a way through the transformation and growth and in sharing our story we hope to help others who can relate to it. It’s that simple. Sharing our vulnerable experience can help dissolve our own personal shame and embarrassment knowing that we are not alone. Our personal experience has probably happened to others in similar ways. 

When we share our stories we let go of the judgment of ourselves in going through the events and situations that occurred and hope by doing so supports others to do the same. 

There was for me a huge sense of judgment and fear around publishing my true story.  For example “I am not a writer” “ can I cope with people judging me for my experience” “ I am not good enough “ “ I feel too vulnerable ““ maybe people will take revenge on me” .. a lot of if's?

Before I published I learnt a very valuable lesson. Two people said quite critical things about my book. I read their comments and I knew in my heart what they were saying  wasn’t really about me, but they were projecting their inadequacies onto to me.  I decided in that ah ha moment that people can say what they like, I put it done to a reflection of them. Okay I didn’t forget what they said, but it was an example that whatever people say, however upsetting to let it go!  

In sharing my personal I have received so much positive messages of how my book inspired them, how they could relate to the book; I realised that was enough for me. 

I know what I am doing is a compulsion and I only want to help others - so I will continue to do so with the courage and resilience I have gained on my path. 

Am I good enough yet? 

Well we really are what we think. I know I am imperfectly perfect just as I am. 

All our experiences are valid and we have a right to share them; and we do this to touch the hearts of others so we can all feel more connected in our life experiences. We can’t change our past experiences but we can share them to support others. 

It’s time to speak our truth, our truth sets us free! 

You can listen to the first chapter of the book read by Alice for FREE here:

Connection and Creativity equals Clarity.... I Am Alice Podcast

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