
Learning to Speak up and Share our Personal message

Learning to Speak up and Share our Personal message
In the last few months I've been a guest on some podcasts. I have started to share my book and my personal experiences in life. It's quite nerve wr...

Welcome to 2024...

Welcome to 2024...
Wow, 2023 went so fast and here we are already in mid-January 2024.   I am excited to share more I AM Alice Podcasts this year; Where I get to cha...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...

I have been so overwhelmed with the support of my book I Am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough, it means so much to me and fills me with joy and gratitude. 

I am very proudly selling my book in all these places, and also selling my jewellery

I am Alice Jewels in Bali, Indonesia.

Do you want to take back your personal freedom once and for all?

Do you want to take back your personal freedom once and for all?

What you need to commit to:

  1. You want change in your life?
  2. You are looking for the right kind of support to allow you to flourish and follow your dreams; whether it’s a new career, a new country to live in or managing your present life and finding new possibilities.
  3. Particularly at this time it’s key to come together with like minded people who can support us in the right way.
  4. How? By being present, connecting with others, listening, making time and support for you to acknowledge what it is you need, and how you can move forward graciously with courage allowing your own innate wisdom to shine through.