Celebrating International Women's Day with Julia Cartwright on I Am Alice Podcast
What I am learning about Grief?
Welcome to 2024...
Tosh Brittan Discovers Light Language Art
Now On Sale at Amazon - I am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough -
The Book: I am Alice
What others say:
“A Riveting Read! Real, authentic and raw. Thank you, Alice, for sharing your powerful life story so beautifully and how one event can spiral into a sequence of events, bringing us on a heroine’s journey to find the resources and a way through, into a deeper understanding, healing and eventually awakening to a new way of being!” - Ciara McArdle, Trauma Specialist & Psycho-Spiritual Therapist
Feet Firmly on the Ground
Ground Me Mala
I started making Mala's to help me stay in the present more and they are a great reminder to create a deeper connection with myself. I feel my Malas give me strength when times get hard and I feel alone. The lava stones, keep me grounded and protected, while the semi-precious stones, sparkle and remind me of my intentions to be positive and to spread a bit of kindness; not just to others but to myself.
The Ground Me Mala also comes in Black Onyx or Hematite.
Gratitude opens the door to the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe.
Deepak Chopra
Get grounded walk barefoot in nature, meditate or practice mindfulness. A Mala can help you with your meditation practice. @malamantramaker