
How to Process Grief?

How to Process Grief?

How to process grief? That’s a big question I know, and over the years I have found new ways to process my grief. From journaling to singing, to writing my own song and learning to play guitar to honour my feelings and expressing myself. 

Memories of our Loved One’s

Memories of our Loved One’s
This is a letter he wrote to me when I ended up getting sectioned in a psychiatric ward, where again he supported me as he knew I shouldn’t be in there. He knew the truth that I was suffering from grief.  Words can be so powerful, for helping others and hurting others. I re-read this letter many times and it gave me strength and hope that I would recover and get out of the ward I was sectioned in.

What I am learning about Grief?

What I am learning about Grief?
  An Hour is a Sea Between a few, and me With them would Harbour be.    Emily Dickinson           Accepting my feelings come in waves and takin...

Welcome to 2024...

Welcome to 2024...
Wow, 2023 went so fast and here we are already in mid-January 2024.   I am excited to share more I AM Alice Podcasts this year; Where I get to cha...

Happy Father's Day

Once a upon a time, A story of a Granddad
Happy Father’s Day Well, we can always think about our Father’s on any day of the week, not just on Father’s Day.  I often send a quick prayer ...

Meditation and Mantra

Meditation and Mantra

Here are some tips that helped me:


A daily meditation practice - it sounds hard work but actually, it's easy, enjoyable and your mind and body love it! Breathing is the key to life, so meditation is a way of focusing on the breath and bringing harmony within, therefore helping you deal with the daily stress of life. 

Try it, it costs nothing and can really bring about some welcome changes in your habits in life.

Choose a meditation technique

  1. Download app Sadhguru is my meditation of choice (Read his book Inner Engineering - a practical guide to life)
  2. Download Calm
  3. Listen to a guided meditation - check them out on Spotify first before buying
  4. Use a mantra of your choice- a Mala helps remind you to say the mantra 108 times

Establish a morning routine

1. Create a space of 15-20 minutes to practice your meditation technique. Just do it and get on with your day.

2. During the day check in and see how you feel? Do a few deep breaths and let go of your stress or stretch for your body. 

3. Do you have a Monkey Mind?  Are you repeatedly going over problems or scenarios in your head?  Repeat a mantra and dissolve this nonsense. It works! You can say it in your head or sing it out loud.  Alternatively, just listen to a mantra and feel the harmony it brings to your mind and body. Sound frequency is a very powerful self-healing tool.

4. Use and wear a mala to remind you to meditate, and use your mantra for optimal health. Choose from a selection of Malas from the Mala Mantra Maker catalogue.

5. Be the observer to your thoughts, what is your mind thinking about? Question your thoughts? 

6. Be kind to yourself and others you will feel so much better in yourself. Kindness costs nothing and brings happiness to yourself and others.

7. Smile - when you smile you actually start to feel better, as there are marma points around your mouth. 

8. Walk in nature or focus on a plant or beautiful flower by focusing your mind on this you will be connecting with nature and also your inner self.  Watch the way the leaves blow in the wind.  Keep focusing and as you focus you relax your mind, body and soul.

A simple mantra to bring peace: 

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti (Peace to your mind, body and spirit)