
Milli Moonstone on Managing Grief and Creating Sacred Space

Milli Moonstone on Managing Grief and Creating Sacred Space
Milli Moonstone has facilitated or played music at more than 800 ceremonies with sacred plant medicine Ayahuasca. She worked alongside her beloved, Norberto, from the SoMilli Moonstone is a psychedelic facilitator, musician and coach, who has been guiding many thousands of people through deeply transformative journeys for 15 years.

Memories of our Loved One’s

Memories of our Loved One’s
This is a letter he wrote to me when I ended up getting sectioned in a psychiatric ward, where again he supported me as he knew I shouldn’t be in there. He knew the truth that I was suffering from grief.  Words can be so powerful, for helping others and hurting others. I re-read this letter many times and it gave me strength and hope that I would recover and get out of the ward I was sectioned in.

Learning to Speak up and Share our Personal message

Learning to Speak up and Share our Personal message
In the last few months I've been a guest on some podcasts. I have started to share my book and my personal experiences in life. It's quite nerve wr...

Celebrating International Women's Day with Julia Cartwright on I Am Alice Podcast

Celebrating International Women's Day with Julia Cartwright on I Am Alice Podcast
To celebrate International Women's Day, I spoke to Julia Cartwright and how to navigate change, one of my favourite subjects, particularly at this ...

What I am learning about Grief?

What I am learning about Grief?
  An Hour is a Sea Between a few, and me With them would Harbour be.    Emily Dickinson           Accepting my feelings come in waves and takin...

Welcome to 2024...

Welcome to 2024...
Wow, 2023 went so fast and here we are already in mid-January 2024.   I am excited to share more I AM Alice Podcasts this year; Where I get to cha...

Vanessa Elston talks about Frequency

Vanessa Elston talks about Frequency
  Meet Vanessa Elston, She's a healer from the UK. Listen to her story of Transformation after she woke up unable to move.  From working in the fas...

What is Sacred Death? Listen on I Am Alice Podcast

What is Sacred Death?  Listen on  I Am Alice Podcast
This week I get to chat to Catherine Shovlin about her book Sacred Death and how we can our approach towards death can be transformed and we are ab...

I Am Alice Podcast - listen here...

I Am Alice Podcast  - listen here...

What a surprise I Am Alice is Number #1 on Amazon books

What a surprise I Am Alice is Number #1 on Amazon books

Everyone should read this candid and thought provoking account of three very real and personal experiences that actually happened to one person. Each of these individual events would be challenging for anyone, but when combined are the stuff of nightmares. Alice takes us through her thoughts, actions and reactions to unexpected life changing situations that we all think will never happen to us, prompting the reader to ask 'what would I do if any of this happened to me?'

Laura Kennedy

I am flabbergasted and gobsmacked that the human spirit can survive such personal trauma and then go on to flourish and thrive - as Alice has done.For anyone who has had any experience of trauma, be it first hand or second hand, her story is a shining beacon of survival, resilience and the art of creating a new and vibrant future. A memoir like no other. A ‘must read’ for all!


Now On Sale at Amazon - I am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough -

Now On Sale at Amazon - I am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough -

The Book: I am Alice 


What others say:

“A Riveting Read! Real, authentic and raw. Thank you, Alice, for sharing your powerful life story so beautifully and how one event can spiral into a sequence of events, bringing us on a heroine’s journey to find the resources and a way through, into a deeper understanding, healing and eventually awakening to a new way of being!” - Ciara McArdle, Trauma Specialist & Psycho-Spiritual Therapist