Do you have a story you really want to share with the world?

Do you have a story you really want to share with the world?

Alice Readman Author of I am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough

I published my first book this year. I am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough.  I wrote the first draft back in 2015 but as it was a deeply personal account of my life changing experience back in 2014, it took me some time to find its way to finally being published. I had to come to terms and process my experiences from back then, and not only that I was in deep resistance to share my story as I felt it was a too much.

I am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough

I find a way on my own, some lovely people I met along the way were really supportive and encouraged me to keep going.  I realised as time went on that I wasn't alone in my experience and I came to the conclusion that I had to publish my story, not for me, but to support others. Having this sense of deeper purposed spurred me on, as I was hesitant to expose my life story, and what happened to me. I trusted as time went on, the right people and the right time to publish would appear, it was a lonely path at times, but now it's published I feel I made the right decision and already I know it's helping other people.

I have learnt so much in the process to produce my book. Luckily, I have a background in graphic design and magazine publishing so I knew how important it is to have a good cover, that works with the story. I asked a colleague from the UK to design it and Sara Bonnar came up with the perfect cover.  Having a well designed cover boosted my confidence in putting out the book too! 

If you would like support in the process of putting out your book. Please sign up for a discovery call with me. 

You can book an intro call with me here