Sharing our Stories of Transformation
We discussed the magical sychronistic flow of Didi and Chris working together creating Sound Journeys.
Whatever wants to come through. I feel that's the ultimate present, that we can present it that we can give. When we offer sound or when we weave it, there is a sounder and the sounding, there is "the sounder" which is us. But during the weaving, somehow we as the sounder disappear into "sounding". That's how I would say it, what's actually happening. That makes sense. Because maybe you become the sounding when "the sounder" disappears. Therefore ,whatever flows, flows. There is no ego there is no, just sound and vibration.
Alice says: " I am just hearing the sounds weaving through, I am not thinking oh Didi and Chris. I can just feel the sounds. I know that you are the weavers, but I just feel the sounds weaving".
Chris replies: "Yes, because we have disappearing into sound and so you don't hear us or feel us. That's pretty much it".
Askara Sound Temple has a huge dome, it's a beautiful place to receive sound. Didi says " I love the term Chris found, that we are Sound Weavers".
I just see this beautiful tapestry of colour light and sound all woven in. Where we disappear into...
Be we completely just surrender and trust, what is going to come through to us.
Chris Prawita and Didi Ravi, talk about their collaboration on Sound Journeys @Askarasoundtemple in Ubud, Bali.
Held in a beautiful sound dome surrounded by trees, at the edge of tiny jungle, in Ubud, Bali
The flowers, the incense,
Grain, spices, and honey
Offered in ritual
Are made out of the same divine stuff as you
Who then is worshipped?
* The Radiance Sutra
A Journey with Sacred Sound. Allowing The Medicine of Sound to transform our lives through physical, mental, emotional or spiritual changes.
The transformation begins when we experience ourselves as vibration and as sound. It is when the sonic environment is created through the specific use of the voice and instruments such as Gong, Singing Bowls, Native American Drum and Flute, Didgeridoo, etc.
Venue: Askara Sound Temple, Ubud
IN PERSON: Rp. 200.000
To Book:
Please WA +62811983980 or you can book through
Instagram @blissyogaogram
Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
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