
Milli Moonstone on Managing Grief and Creating Sacred Space

Milli Moonstone on Managing Grief and Creating Sacred Space
Milli Moonstone has facilitated or played music at more than 800 ceremonies with sacred plant medicine Ayahuasca. She worked alongside her beloved, Norberto, from the SoMilli Moonstone is a psychedelic facilitator, musician and coach, who has been guiding many thousands of people through deeply transformative journeys for 15 years.

Meet Rouzbeh on I AM Alice Podcast we talk about the power of the authentic voice

Meet Rouzbeh on I AM Alice Podcast we talk about the power of the authentic voice
Rouzbeh Tavakkoli offers empowering coaching programs, chanting circles and music ceremonies, and transformative retreats with a focus on healing our relationship with fears and blockages, and wholeheartedly stepping into the full power and joy of your voice, creativity and purpose-driven expression.

Learning to Speak up and Share our Personal message

Learning to Speak up and Share our Personal message
In the last few months I've been a guest on some podcasts. I have started to share my book and my personal experiences in life. It's quite nerve wr...

Bienvenidos al 2024...

Welcome to 2024...
Vaya, 2023 pasó muy rápido y aquí ya estamos a mediados de enero de 2024. Estoy emocionado de compartir más podcasts YO SOY Alice este año;...

Tosh Brittan descubre el arte del lenguaje luminoso

Tosh Brittan Discovers Light Language Art
No importa en qué etapa de nuestra vida nos encontremos, siempre podemos descubrir nuevos dones y comenzar una nueva vida. Hablé con Tosh Brittan, ...

¿Qué es la Muerte Sagrada? Escuche el podcast Soy Alice

What is Sacred Death?  Listen on  I Am Alice Podcast
Esta semana podré charlar con Catherine Shovlin sobre su libro Muerte Sagrada y cómo podemos transformar nuestro enfoque hacia la muerte y ¡podemo...