
Memories of our Loved One’s

Memories of our Loved One’s
This is a letter he wrote to me when I ended up getting sectioned in a psychiatric ward, where again he supported me as he knew I shouldn’t be in there. He knew the truth that I was suffering from grief.  Words can be so powerful, for helping others and hurting others. I re-read this letter many times and it gave me strength and hope that I would recover and get out of the ward I was sectioned in.

Deconstructing You - Life Unravelled in Five Minutes, Dark Night of the Soul

Deconstructing You with Alice Readman on Podcast Elinor Moshe April 2024

Deconstructing YOU Podcast with Elinor Moshe 

Alice Readman has had a varied career, from her 20’s as a bass player in the UK indie band “the auteurs”, to retraining in photography and working for top UK magazine companies. In her 40’s she retrained as a graphic designer and started a married life.

Her life completely changed one day when her 5 year marriage came to a sudden end, her husband announced he was having an affair and no longer wanted their 2 adopted children; they were meeting the next day.

Learning to Speak up and Share our Personal message

Learning to Speak up and Share our Personal message
In the last few months I've been a guest on some podcasts. I have started to share my book and my personal experiences in life. It's quite nerve wr...

Bienvenidos al 2024...

Welcome to 2024...
Vaya, 2023 pasó muy rápido y aquí ya estamos a mediados de enero de 2024. Estoy emocionado de compartir más podcasts YO SOY Alice este año;...

Tienes una historia que contar?

Do you have a story to tell?

Tienes una historia que contar?

Todos tenemos experiencias de vida y al compartirlas con los demás les damos permiso a los demás para decir su verdad. ¿Por qué deberíamos decir la verdad?

1. Nos ayuda a sanar

2. Da permiso y validación para nuestras propias experiencias personales.

3. Ayuda a otros de maneras que nunca sabremos.

4. Toca el corazón y el alma de las personas.

5. Nos devuelve nuestro poder personal para ser su verdadero yo auténtico. Ayuda a otros a hacer lo mismo. Nos hacemos libres y ayudamos a liberar a los demás.