Deconstructing You - Life Unravelled in Five Minutes, Dark Night of the Soul
Deconstructing YOU Podcast with Elinor Moshe
Alice Readman has had a varied career, from her 20’s as a bass player in the UK indie band “the auteurs”, to retraining in photography and working for top UK magazine companies. In her 40’s she retrained as a graphic designer and started a married life.
Her life completely changed one day when her 5 year marriage came to a sudden end, her husband announced he was having an affair and no longer wanted their 2 adopted children; they were meeting the next day.
Celebrando el Día Internacional de la Mujer con Julia Cartwright en el podcast I Am Alice
Tosh Brittan descubre el arte del lenguaje luminoso
Buenas vibraciones
¿Qué te lleva a un estado de fluidez? Para mí es tocar música, como mi gong, mis cuencos de cristal y mi armonio. ¡No todos al mismo tiempo!
¿Qué te encanta hacer que te traiga alegría? Trabaja para dedicar más tiempo a hacer precisamente eso y ver los cambios en tu vida. Aunque sean 15-20 minutos, vale la pena el esfuerzo y notarás la diferencia en tu vibración.