
Milli Moonstone on Managing Grief and Creating Sacred Space

Milli Moonstone on Managing Grief and Creating Sacred Space
Milli Moonstone has facilitated or played music at more than 800 ceremonies with sacred plant medicine Ayahuasca. She worked alongside her beloved, Norberto, from the SoMilli Moonstone is a psychedelic facilitator, musician and coach, who has been guiding many thousands of people through deeply transformative journeys for 15 years.

Memories of our Loved One’s

Memories of our Loved One’s
This is a letter he wrote to me when I ended up getting sectioned in a psychiatric ward, where again he supported me as he knew I shouldn’t be in there. He knew the truth that I was suffering from grief.  Words can be so powerful, for helping others and hurting others. I re-read this letter many times and it gave me strength and hope that I would recover and get out of the ward I was sectioned in.

Deconstructing You - Life Unravelled in Five Minutes, Dark Night of the Soul

Deconstructing You with Alice Readman on Podcast Elinor Moshe April 2024

Deconstructing YOU Podcast with Elinor Moshe 

Alice Readman has had a varied career, from her 20’s as a bass player in the UK indie band “the auteurs”, to retraining in photography and working for top UK magazine companies. In her 40’s she retrained as a graphic designer and started a married life.

Her life completely changed one day when her 5 year marriage came to a sudden end, her husband announced he was having an affair and no longer wanted their 2 adopted children; they were meeting the next day.

Merayakan Hari Perempuan Internasional bersama Julia Cartwright di I Am Alice Podcast

Celebrating International Women's Day with Julia Cartwright on I Am Alice Podcast
Untuk merayakan Hari Perempuan Internasional, saya berbicara dengan Julia Cartwright dan bagaimana menavigasi perubahan, salah satu topik favorit s...

Apakah Anda ingin mengambil kembali kebebasan pribadi Anda untuk selamanya?

Do you want to take back your personal freedom once and for all?

Hal-hal yang perlu Anda jadikan komitmen:

  1. Anda ingin perubahan dalam hidup Anda?
  2. Anda mencari dukungan yang tepat untuk memungkinkan Anda berkembang dan mewujudkan impian Anda; apakah itu karier baru, negara baru untuk ditinggali, atau mengatur kehidupan Anda saat ini dan menemukan kemungkinan-kemungkinan baru.
  3. Khususnya pada saat ini, penting untuk berkumpul dengan orang-orang yang mempunyai pemikiran sama dan dapat mendukung kita dengan cara yang benar.
  4. Bagaimana? Dengan hadir, terhubung dengan orang lain, mendengarkan, menyediakan waktu dan dukungan bagi Anda untuk mengakui apa yang Anda butuhkan, dan bagaimana Anda dapat bergerak maju dengan anggun dan berani membiarkan kebijaksanaan bawaan Anda bersinar.