
Do you want to take back your personal freedom once and for all?

Do you want to take back your personal freedom once and for all?

What you need to commit to:

  1. You want change in your life?
  2. You are looking for the right kind of support to allow you to flourish and follow your dreams; whether it’s a new career, a new country to live in or managing your present life and finding new possibilities.
  3. Particularly at this time it’s key to come together with like minded people who can support us in the right way.
  4. How? By being present, connecting with others, listening, making time and support for you to acknowledge what it is you need, and how you can move forward graciously with courage allowing your own innate wisdom to shine through.

Your voice is the missing key to your life

Your voice is the missing key to your life
By singing mantra you can activate your own healing on a mental and physical level. It’s fun and can connect with parts of you, you may have forgotten about. As children we love to sing and play with our voices and be our natural creative selves, as we get older we become more self conscious and can shy away from this wonderful creative expression. I was interviewed for International Women's Day and I spoke about the importance of finding your own voice. 

Are you sleeping okay?

Are you sleeping okay?
Are you sleeping okay? Many of us from time to time have problems sleeping, either our mind is racing or we just end up waking up several times in ...