
Interview with Amber Spirit Mamma on I Am Alice Podcast

Amber Spirit Mamma episode 14 I am Alice podcast with alice readman, podcasting, YouTube, spotify

Why she goes by the name of Spirit Mumma? 

Amber has lived in many conscious communities and the younger members gave her the name and it seems to have followed her around so now she goes by the name Amber Spirit Mamma

She is currently living in beautiful Ubud, in Bali, working on her own healing journey and expanding her business.

She finds Bali a great place to deepen her connection with spirit and she loves doing session on my verandah surrounded by my beautiful peaceful garden and nature. 

Her clients who visit her here can expect to be offered Spirit Muma Chai that she makes and sells.  

For all her services and offerings you can visit her instagram account @amber_spiritmamma

When your life becomes a lie...I Am Alice, Break Up, Breakdown, Breakthrough

When your life becomes a lie...I Am Alice, Break Up, Breakdown, Breakthrough
Imagine tomorrow your life will suddenly change. There is no going back to your previous life. Nothing will return to normal. You are hanging by a thin transparent thread and drifting into other dimensions. Your heartbeat will increase, your anxiety will rocket, you will feel mentally confused and stressed, but within you is a powerful driving force to overcome any obstacle and you are determined to find the truth. 

Deconstructing You - Life Unravelled in Five Minutes, Dark Night of the Soul

Deconstructing You with Alice Readman on Podcast Elinor Moshe April 2024

Deconstructing YOU Podcast with Elinor Moshe 

Alice Readman has had a varied career, from her 20’s as a bass player in the UK indie band “the auteurs”, to retraining in photography and working for top UK magazine companies. In her 40’s she retrained as a graphic designer and started a married life.

Her life completely changed one day when her 5 year marriage came to a sudden end, her husband announced he was having an affair and no longer wanted their 2 adopted children; they were meeting the next day.

What I am learning about Grief?

What I am learning about Grief?
  An Hour is a Sea Between a few, and me With them would Harbour be.    Emily Dickinson           Accepting my feelings come in waves and takin...

Welcome to 2024...

Welcome to 2024...
Wow, 2023 went so fast and here we are already in mid-January 2024.   I am excited to share more I AM Alice Podcasts this year; Where I get to cha...

Podcast Interview with Andrew Jobling on the Wellness Puzzle Podcast

Podcast Interview with Andrew Jobling on the Wellness Puzzle Podcast
     You can listen to the Podcast with Andrew Jobling  About Andrew Jobling    Andrew Jobling is on a mission to create a Wave of Wellness...

Be Inspired by Marian Duven, on I Am Alice Podcast, Episode 6

Marian Duven, a singer, songwriter, musician, shared her transformational story with me on my I Am Alice Podcast on YouTube. She was diagnosed wit...

Ubud Writers and Readers Festival, Ubud, Bali 2023

Ubud Writers and Readers Festival, Ubud, Bali 2023
" What it means to be human, I think when you work in alignment with the forces of life, the laws of nature, the laws of justice ,that the act itself is an act of recharge and renewal. It's doesn't delete you, life's deleting, but those who engagement for justice". Vandana Shiva

Sharing our Stories of Transformation

Sharing our Stories of Transformation
      We discussed the magical sychronistic flow of Didi and Chris working together creating Sound Journeys. Whatever wants to come through. I fee...

I Am Alice Podcast - listen here...

I Am Alice Podcast  - listen here...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...

I have been so overwhelmed with the support of my book I Am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough, it means so much to me and fills me with joy and gratitude. 

I am very proudly selling my book in all these places, and also selling my jewellery

I am Alice Jewels in Bali, Indonesia.

Talking to Didi Ravi why creating Sound is so close to her heart

Talking to Didi Ravi why creating Sound is so close to her heart

Talking to Didi Ravi why creating Sound is so close to her heart

I am Alice podcast - where we have conversations about creativity, connection, and finding clarity in our lives. I will be sharing stories of transformation and growth with the humans I have met along the way!