
Your voice is the missing key to your life

Your voice is the missing key to your life
By singing mantra you can activate your own healing on a mental and physical level. It’s fun and can connect with parts of you, you may have forgotten about. As children we love to sing and play with our voices and be our natural creative selves, as we get older we become more self conscious and can shy away from this wonderful creative expression. I was interviewed for International Women's Day and I spoke about the importance of finding your own voice. 

It's all about Frequency

Heal by Frequency, Sound, energy and vibration, Join me with an online business
It's all about the Healy  Why Frequency,  Why Now? Back in June 2020 I came across a frequency device, a friend in Bali had one, she was saying ...

Discovering The Voice Within...

Discovering The Voice Within...
Sounds scary doesn't it, discovering the voice within?  There have been various ways in the past few years I have been working with my voice. Brea...

Things that have changed my life in the last 5 years...

Things that have changed my life in the last 5 years...
After my divorce I went travelling to Nepal, India, Australia, Malaysia and Indonesia. This journey ended with me living in Bali, very much by acc...

It is never too late to learn something new...

It is never too late to learn something new...
What if you could do anything you wanted? First, you need to know what it is?