
When your life becomes a lie...I Am Alice, Break Up, Breakdown, Breakthrough

When your life becomes a lie...I Am Alice, Break Up, Breakdown, Breakthrough
Imagine tomorrow your life will suddenly change. There is no going back to your previous life. Nothing will return to normal. You are hanging by a thin transparent thread and drifting into other dimensions. Your heartbeat will increase, your anxiety will rocket, you will feel mentally confused and stressed, but within you is a powerful driving force to overcome any obstacle and you are determined to find the truth. 

Be Inspired by Marian Duven, on I Am Alice Podcast, Episode 6

Marian Duven, a singer, songwriter, musician, shared her transformational story with me on my I Am Alice Podcast on YouTube. She was diagnosed wit...

Special Offer for July for my book I Am Alice....

Special Offer for July for my book I Am Alice....

To celebrate my book which is selling well in Bali, where I live. I am offering my ebook at just 4.99 pounds.

I am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough

An inspiring memoir meets adventure novel about Alice Readman, whose world crumbles and life takes an unexpected turn when she decides to embark on a journey of self-discovery and adventure!

Do you have a story to tell?

Do you have a story to tell?

Do you have a story to tell?

We all have life experiences and by sharing them with others we give others permission to speak their truth.  Why should we speak out truth?

1. It helps us heal

2. It gives permission and validation for our own personal experiences.

3. It helps others in ways we will never know.

4. It touches people’s hearts and souls.

5. It gives us back our personal power to be their true authentic self. It helps others do the same. We set ourselves free and we help to free others.

What a surprise I Am Alice is Number #1 on Amazon books

What a surprise I Am Alice is Number #1 on Amazon books

Everyone should read this candid and thought provoking account of three very real and personal experiences that actually happened to one person. Each of these individual events would be challenging for anyone, but when combined are the stuff of nightmares. Alice takes us through her thoughts, actions and reactions to unexpected life changing situations that we all think will never happen to us, prompting the reader to ask 'what would I do if any of this happened to me?'

Laura Kennedy

I am flabbergasted and gobsmacked that the human spirit can survive such personal trauma and then go on to flourish and thrive - as Alice has done.For anyone who has had any experience of trauma, be it first hand or second hand, her story is a shining beacon of survival, resilience and the art of creating a new and vibrant future. A memoir like no other. A ‘must read’ for all!
