
Memories of our Loved One’s

Memories of our Loved One’s
This is a letter he wrote to me when I ended up getting sectioned in a psychiatric ward, where again he supported me as he knew I shouldn’t be in there. He knew the truth that I was suffering from grief.  Words can be so powerful, for helping others and hurting others. I re-read this letter many times and it gave me strength and hope that I would recover and get out of the ward I was sectioned in.

Podcast Interview with Andrew Jobling on the Wellness Puzzle Podcast

Podcast Interview with Andrew Jobling on the Wellness Puzzle Podcast
     You can listen to the Podcast with Andrew Jobling  About Andrew Jobling    Andrew Jobling is on a mission to create a Wave of Wellness...

Ubud Writers and Readers Festival, Ubud, Bali 2023

Ubud Writers and Readers Festival, Ubud, Bali 2023
" What it means to be human, I think when you work in alignment with the forces of life, the laws of nature, the laws of justice ,that the act itself is an act of recharge and renewal. It's doesn't delete you, life's deleting, but those who engagement for justice". Vandana Shiva

Sharing our Stories of Transformation

Sharing our Stories of Transformation
      We discussed the magical sychronistic flow of Didi and Chris working together creating Sound Journeys. Whatever wants to come through. I fee...

I Am Alice Podcast - listen here...

I Am Alice Podcast  - listen here...

Talking to Didi Ravi why creating Sound is so close to her heart

Talking to Didi Ravi why creating Sound is so close to her heart

Talking to Didi Ravi why creating Sound is so close to her heart

I am Alice podcast - where we have conversations about creativity, connection, and finding clarity in our lives. I will be sharing stories of transformation and growth with the humans I have met along the way! 

The Power of Mantras: A Guide for Beginners with Chris Prawita

The Power of Mantras: A Guide for Beginners with Chris Prawita
The first guest, on I am Alice Podcast I talk to Chris Prawita about the Power of Mantra, from the beautiful Askara Sound Temple in Ubud, Bali. Chris studied mantra in India and it became her daily practice and she noticed in time how chanting was slowly changing her life. We discuss the power of mantra and how it can help us to become our true authentic self, being in our true nature, and essence. Mantra brings us Clarity and balance in our lives and it has given Chris the confidence to sing and follow her dream of moving to Bali and creating Askara Sound Temple.

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

Here in Bali, there is a strong Hindu tradition, although the majority of islands are mainly Muslim. Every day you see the offerings people, place and say a prayer to the gods in their homes, in the temples and out on the streets. This is what makes spending time in Ubud so special, it changes the energy.

A prayer can be a conversation with God or with your higher self whatever you wish to call this.  We can pray to our guides or Angels for help or to our ancestors.  – In times of need, we remember to pray, in our, everyday lives we often forget.