
When your life becomes a lie...I Am Alice, Break Up, Breakdown, Breakthrough

When your life becomes a lie...I Am Alice, Break Up, Breakdown, Breakthrough
Imagine tomorrow your life will suddenly change. There is no going back to your previous life. Nothing will return to normal. You are hanging by a thin transparent thread and drifting into other dimensions. Your heartbeat will increase, your anxiety will rocket, you will feel mentally confused and stressed, but within you is a powerful driving force to overcome any obstacle and you are determined to find the truth. 

Memories of our Loved One’s

Memories of our Loved One’s
This is a letter he wrote to me when I ended up getting sectioned in a psychiatric ward, where again he supported me as he knew I shouldn’t be in there. He knew the truth that I was suffering from grief.  Words can be so powerful, for helping others and hurting others. I re-read this letter many times and it gave me strength and hope that I would recover and get out of the ward I was sectioned in.

Learning to Speak up and Share our Personal message

Learning to Speak up and Share our Personal message
In the last few months I've been a guest on some podcasts. I have started to share my book and my personal experiences in life. It's quite nerve wr...

Celebrating International Women's Day with Julia Cartwright on I Am Alice Podcast

Celebrating International Women's Day with Julia Cartwright on I Am Alice Podcast
To celebrate International Women's Day, I spoke to Julia Cartwright and how to navigate change, one of my favourite subjects, particularly at this ...

What I am learning about Grief?

What I am learning about Grief?
  An Hour is a Sea Between a few, and me With them would Harbour be.    Emily Dickinson           Accepting my feelings come in waves and takin...

Now On Sale at Amazon - I am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough -

Now On Sale at Amazon - I am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough -

The Book: I am Alice 


What others say:

“A Riveting Read! Real, authentic and raw. Thank you, Alice, for sharing your powerful life story so beautifully and how one event can spiral into a sequence of events, bringing us on a heroine’s journey to find the resources and a way through, into a deeper understanding, healing and eventually awakening to a new way of being!” - Ciara McArdle, Trauma Specialist & Psycho-Spiritual Therapist