
Be Inspired by Marian Duven, on I Am Alice Podcast, Episode 6

Marian Duven, a singer, songwriter, musician, shared her transformational story with me on my I Am Alice Podcast on YouTube. She was diagnosed wit...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you...

I have been so overwhelmed with the support of my book I Am Alice, Break up, Breakdown, Breakthrough, it means so much to me and fills me with joy and gratitude. 

I am very proudly selling my book in all these places, and also selling my jewellery

I am Alice Jewels in Bali, Indonesia.

I Am Alice Jewels

I Am Alice Jewels
Recently I decided I would rebrand my jewellery. I have been designing Mala Necklaces and making silver bracelets talismans for some time here in Bali.
I felt inspired to rebrand to I am Alice Jewels, Illuminate more joy in my life.

Mantra & Meditation

Mantra & Meditation
Mantra & Meditation  What is it? Why is it so powerful? A mantra can be in your own language or you can use a Vedic Mantra, these are in Sans...

Happy Father's Day

Once a upon a time, A story of a Granddad
Happy Father’s Day Well, we can always think about our Father’s on any day of the week, not just on Father’s Day.  I often send a quick prayer ...

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

Here in Bali, there is a strong Hindu tradition, although the majority of islands are mainly Muslim. Every day you see the offerings people, place and say a prayer to the gods in their homes, in the temples and out on the streets. This is what makes spending time in Ubud so special, it changes the energy.

A prayer can be a conversation with God or with your higher self whatever you wish to call this.  We can pray to our guides or Angels for help or to our ancestors.  – In times of need, we remember to pray, in our, everyday lives we often forget.

Darkness into Light Mala Collection

Darkness into Light Mala Collection
This collection was inspired by hand-painted talismans made in India. I loved travelling in India a few years ago and I really hope to visit again. There is something quite magical about India a country of contrasts.

Lucky Me Mala

Lucky Me Mala

 Lucky Me Mala

Today I choose lucky me Mala - I am sitting in Gluten-free cafe in Ubud. It’s raining cats and dogs, the streets are submerged in a few inches of water. We are swimming in water. 

I feel lucky, wearing my Lucky me Mala it's made from aventurine stones and lava beads, as today I want to focus on all the things in life I am lucky for:

  • I am living in Bali, a place I really feel at home in.
  • Having a cute little bali house to live in - with a lovely owner Yanti
  • I am choosing to make my new life the best I can with what I have available to be right now.
  • I am free to choose my future.
  • I have a lovely friend from the U.K. to visit me next month an so excited to spend some time with an old friend. 
  • I can walk, talk and write! ( well working on the last one!)
  • I met my lovely friend Yuni for coffee and we had a laugh about life. 
  • I have a big raincoat (that covers me from top to toe) so I am lucky I am protected from the rain ( I usually forget it). I refused to buy one for some time but it's a lifesaver.
  • Did I say I am living in Bali, I know I do need to pinch myself sometimes.
  • I am making Malas  - which I love! I want to share this uplifting and lifesaving tool that helped me through some massive changes in my life. 
  • I am alive right now - thank you! 


Like the beautiful Adventurine semi-precious stones - Ubud is an area of Bali that is lush and green and a beautiful place to live in. We all have so much to be lucky for, I guess it’s just the focus we have on life!  We are living beings capable of making the change in our lives in so many ways, I guess it's about taking the chances to lead the best life you can.

Oh and lucky me I am eating a passion pastry cake at the gluten-free cafe 🍰

Free postage on Lucky Me Mala visit: - Lucky Me Mala

If you can't afford a Mala yet, why not join my monthly giveaway instead,

Blessings from beautiful Bali,