
Are you sleeping okay?

Are you sleeping okay?
Are you sleeping okay? Many of us from time to time have problems sleeping, either our mind is racing or we just end up waking up several times in ...

I Believe in Frequencies

I Believe in Frequencies
I Believe in Frequencies  After five years of diving deeply into sound therapy, experiencing many Sound Bath sessions and learning about sound myse...

Things that have changed my life in the last 5 years...

Things that have changed my life in the last 5 years...
After my divorce I went travelling to Nepal, India, Australia, Malaysia and Indonesia. This journey ended with me living in Bali, very much by acc...

Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations

What brings you into a state of flow? For me it’s playing music, like my gong, crystal bowls and harmonium. Not all at the same time!

What do you love to do, that brings you joy?  Work on making more time to do just that and see the changes in your life.  Even if it’s 15-20 minutes, it’s worth the effort, and notice the difference in your vibration.

It is never too late to learn something new...

It is never too late to learn something new...
What if you could do anything you wanted? First, you need to know what it is?

Mantra & Meditation

Mantra & Meditation
Mantra & Meditation  What is it? Why is it so powerful? A mantra can be in your own language or you can use a Vedic Mantra, these are in Sans...

Happy Father's Day

Once a upon a time, A story of a Granddad
Happy Father’s Day Well, we can always think about our Father’s on any day of the week, not just on Father’s Day.  I often send a quick prayer ...

The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

Here in Bali, there is a strong Hindu tradition, although the majority of islands are mainly Muslim. Every day you see the offerings people, place and say a prayer to the gods in their homes, in the temples and out on the streets. This is what makes spending time in Ubud so special, it changes the energy.

A prayer can be a conversation with God or with your higher self whatever you wish to call this.  We can pray to our guides or Angels for help or to our ancestors.  – In times of need, we remember to pray, in our, everyday lives we often forget.

Let's Celebrate the Month of May with two Mala Bracelet Giveaways!

Let's Celebrate the Month of May with two Mala Bracelet Giveaways!

Competition time on Instagram - Win Two Mala Bracelets

Let's Celebrate Mala Bracelets Giveaway & all the May Birthday's The month of May is my birthday month, plus many of my friends and family, so why not celebrate with some giveaways. Sometimes wearing a Mala necklace can be inconvenient so I have created a collection of bracelets. They are made with Lava stones you... Follow, Like, and Tag two friends...enter as many times as you like!

Darkness into Light Mala Collection

Darkness into Light Mala Collection
This collection was inspired by hand-painted talismans made in India. I loved travelling in India a few years ago and I really hope to visit again. There is something quite magical about India a country of contrasts.

Creating a Meditation Practice

Creating a Meditation Practice


New Beginnings

New Beginnings
New Beginnings  A few years ago I started a completely new life. It first started with the idea to move to a new county, and then ended up being ...